Three Points Relationships Blue Room
Adults and couples

Three Points Relationships

Three Points Relationships is a thriving, relationship-focused private practice. We specialize in working with individual adults and couples with a primary focus on romantic relationship issues such as difficulty connecting, divorce, affairs, dating, sexual issues, self-esteem, boundaries, life transitions, balancing parental and mental load, etc.

At our practice, we deeply believe that relationships are critical to overall wellness, health and healing. We also understand that relationships can be extremely complicated. Therefore, we prioritize normalizing these challenges for our clients and taking a non-shaming, non-judgmental stance on the issues they bring to us. We know that our clients are the experts in their lives and that they all have the ability to create positive changes for themselves. We are LGBTQIA+ affirming, sex-positive, and value race, culture, and gender as critical parts of all of our identities.

Three Points Relationships Blue Room
Three Points Relationships Green Room

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Over 30 Years of Experience and Expertise

Meet the Therapist

Relationships are important. They make us feel warm and fuzzy. They excite us. They make us feel connected and alive. They bring us joy and satisfaction, and fulfill longings and desires. Relationships help us learn about ourselves and grow. They can even help us be physically healthier and live longer.

They are also REALLY hard.

You’re probably thinking, “but if they’re good they shouldn’t be that hard!” Well, that’s a lovely idea but just often isn’t true. Yes, shitty, toxic relationships are notoriously hard, but strong, healthy, loving relationships have incredibly difficult and painful moments too.

We all have the innate ability to affect positive change in our lives, but there are times when we need a caring professional to guide the way to becoming “unstuck.” Often, life experiences and old patterns contribute to the roadblocks that keep us stuck in our current lives and relationships. The therapists at Three Points Relationships help couples and individuals uncover the things that get in the way of fulfillment.

Relationships are Hard

But, there’s hope.

ALL of the therapists at Three Points Relationships specifically chose to focus on relationships. We eat, sleep, and dream about this stuff. We also endlessly bore our friends with the “fun therapy facts” we think are fascinating.

We back up our passion with education and training. Each of us are licensed marriage and family therapists and were trained in accredited, systems-focused graduate programs. (This means they specialize in understanding relationship issues and dynamics.) In addition, we all have, specialized training in couples and relationship therapy including, but not limited to sex-therapy, Emotionally-Focused therapy, Relational Life Therapy (Terry Real), infidelity recovery (Esther Perel), discernment counseling, EMDR, and trauma-informed therapy.

All of this nerding out allows us to integrate research, theory, and socio-cultural factors into our work in order to best serve our clients’ needs.

That said, being human is our most important tool. Our first order of business is always to gain an understanding of each person’s lived experience. What feels horrible and intolerable to us is not the same thing that feels horrible and intolerable to anyone else.

We want to know what it’s really like to be in your life and relationships, without judgment. From there, we bring in theoretical principles to help explain and normalize what might be underlying the issues at hand. (Spoiler alert: It’s fairly unlikely that it is because you are losing your mind or are a horrible person.)

Through the therapy process, clients and therapists work collaboratively to identify interaction patterns, build skills to cope with relationship distress, and deepen understanding of both the individuals and/or their partners.